MBWA – The Secret to Success

You may not be a manager, yet, however, you should be aware that you can’t truly lead or manage people without being involved, after all, “all of life can be reduced to relationships.”  MBWA is a tried and true business practice which is part of every good leader’s regular activities. 

MBWA stands for Management By Walking Around. Basically, it means: don’t sit at our desk all day managing through reports alone.  Reports and data analysis are important- but it is people who get the job done and relationships which provide energy, not to mention accountability.

Get up and walk around, get to know people and the work of your business – it will make a difference. Talk with those at every level of your organization and build relationships.  Listen to what they have to say and ask their opinions about how to improve their work or the organization in general.  You may be shocked to find out that these front-line workers have opinions which could improve productivity and employee engagement. Show a genuinely caring spirit.  Make follow-up notes in your contact manager of important facts and NEVER fail to give credit if you take an idea and put it into practice. 

MBWA builds credibility like few other things.