If your boss asks you to do something, unless it is unethical or immoral, DO IT!  Do whatever is asked of you by those in authority with excellence and ahead of schedule. 

You may not understand why you were asked to do that specific task, or you may feel that the task is beneath you; that’s not your call.  Your call is to be an exemplary employee, or find a different job. Don’t turn a molehill into a mountain.

Here is a great secret: Bosses don’t always make sense, you won’t either when you are the Boss! The important thing is that you do, what is asked of you to the best of your ability, with a positive attitude, preferably under budget and ahead of schedule. (Just a suggestion, always, always deliver ahead of schedule.)

Use Joseph from the Bible as your inspiration and consider his performance while a slave in Egypt. When put into difficult circumstances, he responded in every case by giving his best. If you don’t understand what you are supposed to do, ask for clarification. If you aren’t capable of performing what is asked of you, let your boss know. Otherwise, just DO IT, and do it to the best of your ability.