Just Remember your PEAS

Communication is a key component to effective leadership. In fact, you could say that without strong communication skills leadership, at least over the long haul, is impossible.  Often overlooked, being able to communicate effectively raises the level of leadership and the organization.

What are the basic pieces of the skill set needed for effective communication? Just remember your PEAS.

  • P=precision. A leader’s communication must be clear, without ambiguity.  Do you know WHAT you are trying to communicate? If you can’t clearly answer this question to yourself, you won’t be able to get others to understand.
  • E=enunciate, as in pronounce the words correctly. It is VERY annoying to hear people in leadership mispronounce words.  If fact, this can be so annoying that if it happens too much it will completely undermine your credibility.
  • A=articulate, as in make sure you speak distinctly enough to be clearly heard by everyone in the audience (whether that audience is one person or a hundred). Mumbled, indistinct speech is a big off-putter.
  • S=simple. Keep your focus on the subject at hand.  Don’t allow a lot of distractions to enter into your conversation.  Maintain a laser focus which drives home the main points.

So, the next time you stand up in front of one person or a crowd, make sure to remember you PEAS.